Small Bites of Amoris Laetitia #2
/Pope Francis has written a love-letter to your families, called The Joy of Love, Amoris Laetitia. To get the good word out to more families, Homemade Disciples Blog offers this series of bulletin or newsletter posts for sharing for understanding The Joy of Love with Families in your parish or organization.
How does the Joy of Love fit in to the constant teaching of the Church?
This Exhortation fits appropriately amid the teaching of the church since the Second Vatican Council of 1962-1965. This Council renewed the Church and prepared it to engage with today’s world and issues. We reaffirmed and took a fresh look at our beliefs, which sometimes we forget:
1. There is a Universal call to holiness – every person is called to become a saint with God’s help -- whatever our vocation or state in life.
2. Every baptized person is also called to participate in the mission of Jesus: to love and heal the world, beginning with their own family.
3. Lay people have a special task and ability to transform society from within.
4. The seeds of goodness are found in unexpected places and people.
5. A Christian family is itself a domestic church -- a true expression of the wider Church and the cradle of faith.
Now, Pope Francis is saying, 'OK, let's get back now to the inspiration of the Council.'" The Pope is exhorting us to focus now on actions – to act with love.