Catholic and Grandparenting: 5 Challenges and 5 Opportunities. ACTA Publications, 2017.
Peace and Respect in Your Marriage: Domestic Violence Awareness Module for Marriage Preparation. Catholics For Family Peace Education and Research Initiative, July 2019.
“Prayer of a Married Couple.” Prayer card and flyer.
“Your Family, A Work In Progress.” RCL Benziger Catechetical Newsletters, February 2019.
Classroom ideas for Catholic School Teachers and Catechists, RCL Benziger Blog, Weekly 2022.
“How the Christian Family Movement Continues the Mission of Cardinal Joseph Cardijn through Observe, Judge, Act.” Presentation to the Cardijn Conference, Mt. St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, 2018.
“Families Evangelizing Families, A Spirituality of Accompaniment,” White Paper for the National Conference of Catechetical Leaders 2015 Conference
“Catholic Awareness of the Importance of Sunday Observance,” in Sunday Magazine, Lord’s Day Alliance, Fall 2019, p. 13-14.
Wisdom and Grace for Marriage and Parenting. Christian Family Movement-USA, 2013, Five-meetings for small groups. Contact
“Application to Life” sections in the Leaders’ Guide for the 2009 Pastoral Letter on Marriage, Marriage: Life and Love in the Divine Plan, USCCB
Intentional Christian Families (Christian Family Movement-USA, 2007), editor and co-author. 10 meetings for small groups. Contact
Building A Better World: Catholic Social Teaching in Family Life (Christian Family Movement-USA, 2008), editor and co-author. 10 meetings for small groups. Contact
Homemade Disciples, editor and co-author (Christian Family Movement-USA, 2004), editor and co-author. 10 meetings for small groups. Contact
“Every Marriage is a Mixed-Religion Marriage,” For Your Marriage USCCB website
“Changing Your Spouse – And Yourself,” For Your Marriage USCCB website