Even More Ideas for Homemade Spirituality

“Practice makes perfect,” my mother said. Recently, Homemade Disciples has explored a family friendly approach to spiritual growth.  Here are some more modern twists on ancient practices that draw us closer to God and toward deeper, more life-giving relationships.  Let’s consider how busy parents and those caring for others can practice Prayer, Reconciliation, and Journaling in real life.

Can you think of other practical applications?

PRAYER & GRATITUDE - Often we are overwhelmed by the kindness of others, including God, and those times are some of the best to offer up a prayer of gratitude to God.

·         Create and pray a special grace before meals.

·         Share one prayer intention for your partner to pray before he sleeps.

·         Say the rosary together at the start of a car trip.

·         Make a running list of what you are thankful for.

·         Sign up for email prompts for daily prayer.

·         Learn about each other’s religion; visit each other’s churches.

·         Create decorations for the current holiday season and display them.

·         Engaged and dating couples, hold hands and pray evening prayer before going home.

·         Meet friends for a walk at dawn; greet the new day with gratitude.

RECONCILITION - Reconciliation is the end of the estrangement, caused by original sin, between God and humanity.

o   Practice active listening. Make sure you are hearing what the other is saying and that he is hearing you.

o   Identify one strength of your family of origin; forgive one weakness. 

o   When you are wrong, say, “I’m sorry; please forgive me.”

o   When you are right, don’t gloat.

o   Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation

JOURNALING – A journal is a helpful way of keeping up with our spiritual journey. A spiritual journal is different from a regular journal. It is a written record of personal reactions on spiritual matters.

o   Write letters and email thoughts.

o   Start a photo album for a visual journal or make video. Why use only words?

o   Learn more about Spiritual Journaling from Michael A. Haywood’s excellent article at http://home.earthlink.net/~haywoodm/SpiritualJournal.html